Why Classic American Jewelry Brand Brighton Switched to AfterShip


Brighton, a family-owned business since 1991, has since switched to AfterShip after spending five years with a major competitor.

They were looking to level up their post-purchase experience,  and our eCommerce experts sat down with the team to learn more. In the end, they were impressed with AfterShip because of a few key reasons.

Deeper Data and Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making

When it comes to understanding the post-purchase customer journey and using that data to inform strategic decisions, AfterShip provides Brighton with much more robust data and analytics than their previous solution.

“We have more access and visibility to the data with AfterShip from the get-go," said Martha Hernandez, Digital Design / Senior UX Manager. "With the previous competitor, it was just a big black box.”

They are able to give customers a complete picture of the post-purchase journey. This data is then presented in an easy-to-use interface with customizable dashboards and reports, so they can quickly identify any areas of improvement.

Flexible Branding Tools to Empower Your Team

Another big advantage of AfterShip is the ability to fully customize the tracking page and emails with their own branding. This was a key factor in Brighton’s decision, as they wanted to maintain a consistent brand experience for their customers across all touchpoints.

“With AfterShip we can set up different landing pages based on the user - we didn’t have this flexibility with our previous solution,” explained Matt Kohl, VP of Digital for Brighton.

This customization has helped Brighton to create a seamless brand experience for their customers, while also empowering their team to make changes and updates on their own without having to rely on engineering resources.

980+ Carrier Network

As a global brand, Brighton needed a solution that could scale with them as they continue to grow. AfterShip’s carrier network of 980+ integrations was a big factor in their decision, as it meant they would be able to easily add new carriers and expand into new markets without any hassle.

“We wanted to find a partner we could expand with over time. Our previous vendor didn’t seem like a partner that could scale with us,” Kohl reflected. A carrier network of this size also gives them the flexibility to choose the best shipping options for their customers, without being limited by the capabilities of a single solution.

The team has the flexibility to think long-term and add new features and capabilities as their needs evolve, without having to worry about whether or not their solution can keep up.

Super-Fast Implementation

Brighton was looking for a solution that could be up and running quickly, and AfterShip’s super-fast implementation meant they were able to start using the platform within just 2 weeks. This would allow them to start seeing the benefits of AfterShip right away, without any long drawn-out implementation process.

By saving time on implementation, Brighton was able to focus on other important projects and get the most out of their investment in AfterShip.

Transparent Pricing With Unmatched Value

Brighton was also impressed by AfterShip’s pricing model,  which is based on a simple, transparent monthly subscription with no hidden fees. “With AfterShip, it’s all been baked into one plan, including APIs and customizable emails/tracking page and SMS sign-up,” said Daniel Drasdo, Email Marketing Manager at Brighton.

Its straightforward pricing model meant that Brighton was able to easily budget for their investment in AfterShip, and they have been very happy with the value they have received for their money. This made it easy to see that AfterShip was the right solution for their needs, and they have been very happy with the platform so far.

AfterShip Track Improved Customer Experience for Brighton

AfterShip’s complete solution has helped Brighton to improve the customer experience at every stage of the post-purchase journey. From tracking and delivery updates to returns and refunds, AfterShip provides them with the data and insights they need to make informed strategic decisions.

This has not only helped to reduce customer complaints and increase satisfaction levels, but it has also saved their team a considerable amount of time and effort.

Are you looking for a solution to improve the customer experience for your business? Get in touch with our team today to see how AfterShip can help.