AfterShip Brand Update: Say Hello to Our New Branding

At AfterShip, we always strive to enhance our users’ experience of using our products, be it functionality, navigation, or branding.

Having said that, we are delighted to inform you that we have officially rebranded and reorganized our post-purchase solutions into the 7 following products: Tracking, Returns, Shipping, Protection, Green, EDD, and Parser on 30th December, 2022.

The new AfterShip is here, and we can’t wait to show you what it’s all about. Let’s walk you through what’s changing and why.

The name ‘AfterShip’ will now represent our company and brand, with a new logo as below.

After 10 years of growing up and with an expanding list of products, services, and customers, we thought it was time for a new look. This new design should make things easier for everyone to navigate and find the solution they’re looking for.

But don’t worry, you won't need to do anything. We’re not making any big changes to our products. You’ll still enjoy the same functions, features, and smooth usability as you did before.

What are the changes?

We have updated product names and logos in admin portals and Shopify pages. On the official website, each product will have its own new page with easier access to key information, and the homepage and some other important pages will also get a makeover.

Our logos on the website:

And if you are a Shopify user, you will see icons change as below. If you are using other eCommerce platforms, updates will come later in 2023.

What’s to come?

Our marketing products under Automizely will move to be part of the AfterShip family. This means that AfterShip will soon have solutions to enhance every part of the eCommerce experience all under one roof.

Collectively this project is one of the biggest steps we’ve taken in our business strategy; we’re grateful that you’re along for the ride.

Terms of Service Update

Regarding Postmen and Returns Center, we have reflected the rebranding in the “definition” section of the terms of service by adding “AfterShip Shipping” and “AfterShip Returns” in the applicable definition. The update will apply from December 22, 2022.

Stay tuned for the new updates in 2023 😊